Together with Abigail Jeroso and Kim Dubuc, we embarked on a dynamic group project aimed at creating a captivating advertising concept for the Band-Aid Ourtone line. Our mission was to develop a fresh tagline and innovative ad designs tailored specifically to our target audience.'
Our creative approach involved seamlessly integrating a powerful message with a visually stunning yet simplistic design. To achieve this, we ingeniously utilized band-aids in various skin tone colors as the central objects. Throughout the process, our major challenge was determining the most effective way to communicate our intended message to our target demographic. We meticulously crafted our advertising concept to convey a compelling narrative that would entice consumers to choose the Band-Aid Ourtone line.
Our message aimed to emphasize the product's inclusivity, showcasing its ability to cater to diverse skin tones and promote a sense of belonging and unity. By highlighting this important aspect, we aimed to inspire potential customers to embrace and support our project..